On WotC and Prose Preservation

I’ve been on a collecting binge lately, and WotC is really starting to get on my nerves.

It’s 2022, and I recognize that I’m almost two decades behind on some of this, but WotC has done a piss-poor job of preserving their legacy of novels.

Let’s start with the reasonable. WotC has published hundreds of novels since buying out TSR. The vast majority of these books are not available even as ebooks. This is frustrating. They’ve had lots of time to digitize these and release them. Maybe they don’t own the rights to some, maybe they just can’t be arsed, I don’t know.

What’s truly egregious, to me, is that since reformatting their website, there are dozens upon dozens of short stories, novelettes, novellas, and even full-blown novels that have utterly disappeared. Gone.

It used to be there were tons of previously-unpublished works that eventually found life as free downloads on their website.

They are utterly gone. It’s frustrating, and seems like sheer malicious laziness. Do better.

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